
understanding hypermedia

An overview of new media from multimedia to virtual reality by Bob Cotton and Richard Oliver, designed by Malcolm Garrett.

cyberspace lexicon

An A-Z illustrated glossary of new media terminology by Bob Cotton and Richard Oliver, designed by Malcolm Garrett. My first attempt at drawing together a guide to all the various technologies and disciplines spanned by digital media. We included over 400 A-Z entries, and around 20 full-page illustrated essays on main developments in new media.

you ain't seen nothing yet

An essay by Bob Cotton, for the ICA Digital Futures series, designed by Malcolm Garrett. An overview of likely developments in the digital domain, designed as a briefing for creatives.

designing for desktop publishing

Written by me with David Colyer doing the graphic spreads, this was designed for non-designers who wished to acquire basic graphic design skills and working methods in order to get more out of their desktop publishing practice.

understanding hypermedia 2.000

The third book with Phaidon Press, written by myself and Richard Oliver, Malcolm Garret designing working with Cara Mannion. Christine Davis edited. We expanded the original Understanding Hypermedia, adding many more sections, loads of new illustrations and examples of work. Published in 1998.

futurecasting digital media

Surveys technology forecasting techniques, and ways of developing a big picture of the new media opportunity-space. Covers the use of the WWW itself as a technology forecasting tool and provides an aggregated overview of futurist's forecasts for the 'digital decade' 2000-2010.

new guide to graphic design

In 1990, Quarto asked me to edit a guide to graphic design for students. I ended up writing the entire first section and the piece on 'Design and Time-based Media'. Other contributors included John Sorrell on Corporate Identity, Nick Thirkell on design and typography, Martin Colyer onmagazine design , and David Hughes on Professional Practice. I hated the design of the book, but the content is good.

visual-narrative matrix

A coolection of papers by participants in a conference on visual narrative organised by Maurice Owen and his colleagues at Southampton Institute. My presentation and essay was entitled 'The Global, multimedia, multi-user, smart, networked story machine' (These long titles are a hangover from me reading Tom Wolfe in the late sixties and early seventies).


Surveys the new, networked software, new product development and content development arena, including distributed development, open-source software development, the new product development methodologies and the 'e-innovation' process. Includes a glossary, FAQs and table of steps in software product development.